Cumulative Achievement Index (GPA) profile of sports coaching education in the last 5 years is 3.00 – 3.49 a total of 51% and GPA at 3.5 – 4.00 is 45%. In detail the results of the PKO student achievement index can be seen in Grafik 1;
The distribution of PKO students for the last 5 years is on Prop. D.K.I. Jakarta, Prop. West Java, Prop. Central Java, Prop. East Java, Prop. Aceh, Prop. Jambi, Prop. Lampung, Prop. South Sulawesi, Prop. East Nusa Tenggara, Prop. Papua, Prop. Central Kalimantan, Prop. South Kalimantan, Prop. East Kalimantan, Prop. Moluccan, Prop. West NusaTenggara, as well as there are students from abroad, namely 2 students from timor-timor country.